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Update 1

August 29th 2023 520 words
not working
This is the first update. It is the start of the site. I have added a few different pages. If you are interested, I am going to explain my thinking in creating this website in the post below. This is just meant to give anyone curious a look into my thought pattern and to help anyone see any changes I may have made in the future. This is also kind of a diary of changes from the beginning to wherever this site may end up.

TTOT is the name of the blog. It stands for This That and the Other Things. The homepage has a slider of “new posts.” As more is added, beyond 6, the oldest post is booted out. On each post I give the main picture, date of posting, and around how many words the post is. Below that is the “older posts,” area. It is the same as the new area, but in a different format. At the bottom of the older posts is a see more link to a page that has all posts. Finally, at the bottom is the tags. Most of the posts will fall under multiple tags. Click on the tag and it redirects you to a page dedicated to each tag.

The header has, obviously, the home page, but also has newly written, tags, and the update page (updates). Newly written page is much like the see more page and has all the posts on it. The Tags page has all the different tags on it. The update page has a collection of posts that, as I already said, has full collection of updates.

I also have a little sun icon that if clicked changes the page to a white color scheme rather than the default black.

This brings us to the footer section. I give a mission statement for the website. The contact and help section just have the contact me page. Essentially just email me if you have a problem is the jest of things. The site section has another link to the update section, as well as, the coming soon section. Coming soon area is pretty much a hopes and dreams section for the website.

Last is the transparency section. It has an about me, terms of use, and privacy policy. I will update these as I make the site more complex with more functionality. I have no intention of invading anyone’s privacy, so keep calm and carry on.


Everyone has to start somewhere.